The <recording> element

The <recording> element defines the id, contents, and timing of the current recording item. It consists of the optional <recinstructions> and <reccomment> elements, and the mandatory <recprompt> element. <recinstructions> and <reccomment> simply contain text - which is displayed to both the speaker and the supervisor, or the supervisor only, respectively.

<!ELEMENT recording (recinstructions?, recprompt, reccomment?) >

<!ATTLIST recording	itemcode CDATA #REQUIRED
					recduration CDATA #IMPLIED
					prerecdelay CDATA #IMPLIED
					postrecdelay CDATA #IMPLIED
					finalsilence CDATA #IMPLIED
					beep CDATA #IMPLIED
					rectype CDATA #IMPLIED
					blocked CDATA #IMPLIED
					annotationTemplate CDATA #IMPLIED

<recinstructions> may have the attributes mimetype and src to allow instructions to be read in from an external source (see C for details).

The attribute itemcode of <recording> is mandatory. It uniquely identifies a recording item. itemcode can be an arbitrary string - however, because the itemcode becomes part of the audio file name, it may not contain characters that have a special meaning in the file system (see C for details). In the script editor GUI you can activate the media item generator, which generates unique item codes for you. The generator consists of a counter and a formatter. If a new recording is added the counter will be incremented by the value configured until the formatted item code value reaches a string value which does not exist in the script. The formatted value is concatenated by the given optional prefix (default "item") and the counter value as a string with fixed decimal places. The settings of the item code generator in the script editor are not stored to the project configuration. If you want to store this settings to the project configuration, open the corresponding form in the project configuration editor (Project -> Preferences ...-> Prompting -> Script).

recduration specifies the recording time in milliseconds. The default is to record infinite. prerecdelay and postrecdelay specify in milliseconds a time span during which recording is active, but the the prompt is still inactive (see 2 for details).

The finalsilence attribute defines the amount of milliseconds of speech silence until the recording will be automatically stopped. The GUI editor sets this to a fixed value of 4000 ms if silence detection is enabled for a recording item. The silence detector is currently implemented using fixed parameters.

The only rectype currently supported is audio. Default is audio.

The blocked attribute is of booelan type and determines if playback of a media prompt (i.e. a audio clip) blocks recording. If blocked is set, recording starts when playback of the prompt has finished. If not set playback of the prompt and recording start at the same time.

Klaus Jaensch 2016-04-01