Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals
Meta-Data (CMDI)
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Last update of this page: 2012-07-27
CMDI Meta-Data
Within the european CLARIN project
a new meta data standard CMDI
was defined in 2010 for the open and distributed storage and distribution of meta data
(in the long term CMDI will inherit the IMDI standard which is no longer supported).
The BAS offers CMDI since 2012 for it's resources; the previous coding in IMDI
will be not extended any more, but the BAS IMDI server
will retain the state of 2011.
The advantage of CMDI against IMDI is an open format that allows the coding of
all kind of data types, and a reference to IsoCAT for data descriptions.
Further more CMDI links to the primary data.
CMDI meta data of BAS describe either whole corpora (CMDI Profile
media-corpus-profile) or single recording sessions
within corpora (media-session-profile). They are accessible
In ARBIL right-click on 'Remote corpora' and select 'Add remote location'.
Insert the URL of the corpus CMDI, and Arbil will download the meta data from the
BAS repository and displays them in a structured form.
Copyright © 2012 Bayerisches Archiv für Sprachsignale,
Universität Müchen
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permission of the BAS.
Florian Schiel