BAS - SpeechRecorder and Java Audio Software Source Code Overview

Required packages to build SpeechRecorder

All source packages

Package nameDescriptionDependenciesSourceDocu
Java UtilsContains Java helper classesips_javautils-2.2.0-src.zipJavaDoc
Java Audio toolsAudio tools packageJava Utilsips_audiotools-0.38.2-src.zipJavaDoc
Java Speech DBSpeech recording data modelJPA specification,Java Utilsips_speechdb-1.30.3-src.zipJavaDoc
Java Speech DB ToolsSpeech database toolsJava Utils,Java Audio Tools,EclipseLink,Apache HttpComponentsips_speech_database_tools-0.10.0-src.zipJavaDoc
SpeechRecorderSpeech recording toolJava SpeechDB, Java Audio Tools,JPA specification,Java Utils,JCalendarips_speechrecorder-4.4.10-src.zipJavaDoc

Optional SpeechRecorder plugins

Package nameDescriptionDependenciesSource
SVGPromptPresenterSVG prompt presenter plugin for SpeechrecorderApache Batik SVG,
DSJavaSoundAJS (JavaSound) Alternative DirectSound adapter
PulseAudioJavaSoundAJS (JavaSound) PulseAudio adapter for
JavaNativeMediaJava Native
JavaNativeMediaDirectShowJava Native Media DirectShow
JavaNativeMediaGstJava Native Media Gstreamer adapterJavaNativeMedia,
JavaNativeMediaGstLibJava Native Media Gstreamer adapter native library (Linux only)
JavaNativeMediaGstJava Native Media Gstreamer adapterJavaNativeMedia,
JavaNativeMediaPromptPresenterJava Native Media Prompt
CoreAudioJavaSoundAJS (JavaSound) Alternative Mac OS X CoreAudio adapter

Dependency Notes

SpeechRecorder 4 runs on OpenJDK (Open-source implementation of the Java Platform)

SVGPromptPresenter for SpeechRecorder uses Apache Batik SVG from Apache Software Foundation

SpeechRecorder uses JCalendar

Speech database tools uses Apache HttpComponents

Speech database tools uses EclipseLink

Build notes

All packages are build using Eclipse IDE

The Java code requires Eclipse JDT (installed per default)

Java package dependencies (from Maven repository) are resolved using Apache Ivy for Eclipse IDE

JavaNativeMediaGstLib and PulseAudioJavaSound are Eclipse CDT (C development tools) projects (PulseAudioJavaSound contains Java code as well)

DSJavaSound and JavaNativeMediaDirectShow are Eclipse Java projects, but they contain native Win32 C/C++ code as Microsoft Visual Studio solution projects