Optional <group> element

The group element allows you to group prompt-items inside a section. The main purpose of this element is randomization. For instance if you want to randomize sequences of two recordings. In this example the order of the recordings in the sequences (inside the group elements) will always be as given in the script, but the order of the sequences (the groups) will be randomized inside the section.

<section name="Recording Session" order="random">
	<recording itemcode="demo_seq1_rec1">
	<recording itemcode="demo_seq1_rec2">
	<recording itemcode="demo_seq2_rec1">
	<recording itemcode="demo_seq2_rec2">

Another example in which the order of the groups is fixed and the recording items inside the groups are randomized:

<section name="Recording Session">
	<group order="random">
	<recording itemcode="demo_trial1_rec1">
	<recording itemcode="demo_trial1_rec2">
	<group order="random">
	<recording itemcode="demo_trial2_rec1">
	<recording itemcode="demo_trial2_rec2">