Agreement about usage of PHONRUL The German Pronunciation Rule Set PHONRUL is a resource developed by the Bavarian Archive of Speech Signals (BAS) without any foreign funding. Copyright holder is Maria-Barbara Wesenick. It was first published in Maria-Barbara Wesenick (1994): Entwurf eines unterspezifizierenden Regelsystems der Aussprache des Deutschen als Basis fuer empirische Untersuchungen, Magisterarbeit, Institut fuer Phonetik und Sprachliche Kommunikation, Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen. In order to protect BAS's and the copyright holder's work involved in generating the German speech pronunciation rules set PHONRUL and for the access to this set, (Institution and Place) agrees to the following conditions: 1. We will not give away the rule set or parts of it to third party. The copyright and all other rights stay with the BAS and the copyright holder Maria-Barbara Wesenick. 2. Any published work that involves the usage or exploitation of the rule set in any kind must include a correct reference to the first publication of the rule set (see reference above). 3. If the usage or exploitation of the rule set or parts of it leads to any kind of commercial exploitation (also by third parties), we will grant an adequate fee for the usage to the BAS which is subject to negotiation. (Place + Date) (Signature) The following has to be signed solely by scientific institutions for the discounted usage of the resource: 4. We hereby declare that the rule set disseminated by the BAS will not be used for other than purely scientific purposes. Also, there will be no direct or indirect development of any kind of commercially usable applications by exploiting these data. If there is any commercial exploitation of these data in the future by our institution, we will pay the full licence fee published at that time to the BAS without explicit request. (Place + Date) (Signature)