Technical Interruption

<*T> (technical interruption within a turn)
<*T>t (turn break)
<T_>.. (beginning of turn/word missing) ..
<_T> (end of word missing)


A temporarily broken or missing section of the audio signal caused by technical disruptions, distortions, or disturbances in the recording equipment, or as a result of recording mistakes.


Technical interruptions can occur for a variety of reasons, and may be found within and at the ends of a turn.

1. <T_> is used when the beginning of a turn is missing. In this case it is appended to the beginning of the first occurring lexical item without a whitespace, regardless whether the lexical item seems to be complete or just a fragment.

2. <*T> covers those cases in which larger parts of an utterance are cut off within a turn . It is transcribed instead of the missing turn elements and is preceded and followed by a whitespace.

3. <*T>t This symbol is also used if the end of a turn is missing, preceded by a whitespace. This tag is used, not only for interruptions resulting from technical artifacts, but also when the speaker himself stops speaking before finishing his sentence.

4. <T_> or <_T> may be used if parts of lexical items are cut off due to technical interruptions.<T_> is again used when the first part of the lexical item is cut off. <_T> is used if the last part is concerned. They are appended to the concerning lexical item without a whitespace,<T_> in front, <_T> behind.

Note, that and <_T> occur only in combination with lexical items, excluding unidentifiable ones (<%>).  Unidentifiables are excluded because it is impossible to decide here, whether they are cut off or not.

For the same reason <T_> or <_T> and the "hard-to-identify"-tag (%) cannot be labeled at the same time.

Next to all the interruption-tags no punctuation is allowed. If needed, these tags can be combined quite freely, with the exception of <*T>t, which can obviously be combined only with <_T>.

Examples 1. I went swi<_T> yesterday .
2. no<T_> se shoes I have never seen before .
  3. <T_>ect answer you gave .
4. <T_>cheap , that is for sure
  5. wow <*T> better so far ?
  6. does an<_T> <*T> <T_>orite book ?.


7. that is really <*T>t.
  8. I think , I have to wr<_T> <*T>t

Note the difference between [=] and <_T> in

no prob<_T> <*T>t
no prob= <*T>t

<_T> means that the speaker is no longer being recorded, while [=] means that the speaker himself has stops speaking.